




An Aspiring Software Engineer!


Hello, my name is Michael. I am a 20-year-old developer from Canada. I am currently attending the University of Alberta, where I am pursuing a bachelor of science majoring in computer sciences and a minor in business. I have a passion for Software Engineering and Data Analysis.



This project was made using Tableau to examin the extent of land affected by wildfires across various countries. Through this analysis, I was able to quantify and visualize the areas devastated by wildfires throughout the past few years.

IMDB Top 1000

This report was made using Power BI and examines the top 1000 movies/tv shows. This report provides insights into genre preferences and rating trends.

Sorting + Path-Finding Algorithms Visualized

This website provides an interactive visualization on various sorting and path-fidning algorithms rthms. Currently the supported sorting algorithms are: Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Bubble Sort and Selection Sort. The current path path-fidning algorithms are DFS and BFS with plans to add more in the future!

Clothing Store

This site is both a store front and an inventory users can add or update products which will show up on the store front (note that adding and editing products is disabled on the live site for security reasons). React, React-Router-DOM, and Google Firebase were used in this project.

What To Watch

Developed a full-stack application that retrieves a movie or TV show from IMDb based on the users selected categories. The app uses React for the interface, Flask for the back-end processing, requests and beautifulsoup4 to scrape IMDb.

Check-in Android App

During this project I lead a team of five in planning, designing, building, and implementing an app that allows users to sign up for and create events by scanning QR codes. This project used Figma to help plan and design the UI/UX for the app, Android Studio for coding, and GitHub to help with effective collaboration.


If you are interested in working with me feel free to reach out by any of the following:


Phone #: 780-266-3808

Or feel free to message me here!